Saturday, September 29, 2007

Play Nice

"We value free expression. However, stuff that's off-topic, abusive, or otherwise busts the rules will be removed without comment."

Yes, it's the same notice you see on the Official Linden Blog. The difference between there and here is that I mean it. So nobody can have any misconceptions, here are definitions for the operative terms:

Off-Topic: If you can't figure out the topic of a particular blog post it's because you can't read. If you can't read you have no business attempting to post to this blog. "On-topic" means it deals with subject matter that is the obvious primary point of my original post in the thread. If it's not "on-topic" then it's "off-topic".

Abusive: I will not be tricked into accepting "abuse" as "criticism" (those are clickable links to standard definitions). You will see criticism of Linden Lab and Second Life in this blog. Criticism directed toward a specific poster in this blog will be interpreted as abuse. Just don't.

The Rules: Actually, I have only one, and all the others are corollaries of it. The Cardinal Rule is "Express yourself responsibly and with reasonable literacy". Keep on-topic, remain civil, post your opinions/praise/criticisms of Linden Lab and Second Life, and even my own opinions and ideas. Do not troll, flame, or otherwise attempt to belittle or anger any poster to this blog. Keep netspeak to an absolute minimum. I'm not impressed by it. Or by leetspeak. Especially leetspeak. Smileys are allowed, but that's because its terribly difficult to discern the "tone" of a comment just by reading the words. Use them, but don't overuse them. Have fun. Share. Learn. But do not cause trouble for me or anyone else posting to this blog. That makes me angry. You wouldn't want to see me angry. :)

Removed: Kaput, gone, obliterated, terminated with extreme prejudice. If I remove a post it will not be re-instated. If you re-post it you will no longer be welcome here.

Without Comment: Exactly what it says. If you can't, or won't, follow The Rules you have no right to an explanation of why you were moderated out of my blog.

My blog is open for comments because I really do value freedom of expression. I want your comments, criticism, and feedback, but I want to maintain a reasonably-friendly atmosphere here, at least among the people who post to the blog, even if the issues they're dealing with dearly need a boot to the head. Feel free to boot away. Express yourself strongly if you like, but I won't tolerate vulgarity, tantrums, name-calling, and other such childish, inane,behaviors. If you don't like what I'm doing, here, tell me (but be nice about it). If you like what I'm doing here, tell me. If you have something to add to something I've posted by all means feel free to chime in, even if it doesn't agree with what I've written. Remember, though, that there's a difference between "facts" and "opinions". Don't argue with facts. Opinions, on the other hand, are both a dime a dozen, and fertile ground for discussion. Spend lots of dimes.

If you have something new and unique to add, then please do, but I won't allow my own blog to become the same bitch-fest that most blog posts in the Official Linden Blog turn into. Don't lament on lag, missing inventory, lack of support, broken PayPal links, and all the other things that the whiners cry about all the time. We all hate these things. I'll talk about them. Discuss them, yourself, but don't come across as just another disgruntled Second Life citizen who needs to blow off steam and can't find a proper place to do it. This isn't that place.

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